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Adjust the staff time

Know the necessary information about hours of work and departure. Know the information about the time or units of work measurement to determine the value of the wage. The possibility of dealing with several types of leave easily. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements when performing procedures and transactions related to time and permanence. The possibility of establishing and approving an alternative work schedule for staff. Collect actual working hours to calculate the differences that may affect the total salary of each employee. Collect time and permanence data based on the payment period. The possibility of knowing the time and the time of the employees by the days, breaks, or other measurement units required. Access to job data through several business models, such as direct linking, or use of defined external links. The possibility of accepting electronic approvals or any approved approvals from official bodies, such as the request for approvals and approval by using the web application with a flexible definition of the approval cycle. Migrate time and permanence data to another system. Issue several reports to adjust time and permanence data. Ability to modify time and permanence data to ensure completeness and accuracy of data. Support for the correction of time records in the current payment period and the system gives the ability to work in the future payment period in addition to the current period. The possibility of defining any number of work periods to be used in the monthly schedule of the staff. Each working period is characterized by a start and end time, interspersed with any number of pre-defined breaks. Work periods can be fixed, ie, with a fixed start and end, or flexible working periods, ie, the employee can perform the required hours of work without a fixed hourly or departure hour, but at the same time there is a minimum duration and a higher exit limit. Calculation of overtime hours of the employee based on actual working hours compared to the working schedule, with the possibility of sending overtime results to the HR system. Comprehensive user movements that document all changes in employee time data, the time when the change occurred, and the use that made the change. A comprehensive user rights system that filters out a group of employees that the user can work on and the nature of the movements that can be created for them, such as changing the record, approving and relaying. The existence of four levels of administrative units, which allows the establishment of any number of projects with the possibility of defining the project manager and responsible for the time that can work on the project's time records.

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