Speech disorders are common among young and old, often occurring in young people due to errors in the output of speech sounds from their exits, and not properly formed. The degree of speech disorders varies from simple LISP to acute disorder, where speech is not understood as a result of deletion, substitution and distortion. Some speech disorders may occur in individuals as a result of dysfunction in the organs of the pronunciation device such as the throat
It may occur in some adults as a result of an injury in the central nervous system CNS, this may lead to the production of speech with difficulty or difficulty, with overlapping sounds and lack of clarity, such as in the case of dyspepsia, and may have lost the ability to speak exactly as in the case of mutism mutism, The specialists in the treatment of speech disorders and speech and focus well on the nature and causes of disorders during the process of assessing the condition of the individual. Treatment of speech disorders often involves methods of linguistic behavior modification alone or in addition to medical treatment.
Manifestations of speech disorders:
We discussed the stages of the process of speech and the instruments involved, and focused on the stage of production or transmission (the practice of speech), which includes the output of the sounds according to certain foundations so that each sound differentiated from the other according to the director, and modulation, and resonance and some other attributes. Then these sounds are organized according to the rules agreed upon in the culture surrounding the child, to be words, sentences, paragraphs ..... and so related speech. The correct pronunciation of sounds sounds confused. There are four manifestations or types of speech and speech disorders including deletion, substitution, distortion, and additio