Wisdom science examines the facts of things as they are in existence as much as human energy, it is theoretical science is not automatic. Wisdom is also the body of scientific mental strength intermediate between the instinct that is the excess of this force, and the hardness that is to be neglected. And come on three meanings: the first Ijad, the second flag. And third acts triangular, such as the sun and the moon and others, and Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, wisdom in the Koran, learning halal and Haram. Wisdom was said in the language of science with action. Wisdom is said to benefit from what is right in the same order according to human energy. It was said that all the words agreed right is wisdom, and it is said that wisdom is the spoken words that are protected from padding. It was said to put something in place. It is said that it has a good consequence. [1]
A sage is a wise person who is likely to be right about what he has learned from his experiences in life. The history of humanity has been witnessed by many Arab and non-Arab wise men, who are part of the traditions and customs that must be observed by people in the performance of their daily work regardless of religion, race and nationality. Some of them knew that wisdom did what should be done properly, at a time when what should mean putting things in perspective, where there is a rule that has been applied to different ages. It was profound and some of them only fit a period of time. .