Human Resources in Modern Administrative Thought The contemporary administration's interest in human resources issues reflects an attempt to strike a balance between the objectives of the organization and the objectives of individuals, and between the cost and the return in dealing with individuals. The modern administration in its interest in human development stems from a sound scientific belief that man has more energies and mental capacity than is often exploited or exploited. In fact, in the various work sites, and the maximum use of that mental power is the real source of the excellence of the organizations and their ability to achieve remarkable achievements unconventional # _ ftn1 "target =" _ blank "> [1] Giving Human Resources an opportunity to take the concept of human resources management into the concept of strategic human resources management to make these resources an effective strategy at the organizational level. The important fact that contemporary ideology is focused on is that this human effort can not achieve results of value as soon as it is available. Rather, it is necessary to plan, prepare, guide and continuously develop within a sophisticated system of human resources management in line with the strategies of the Organization.