Building a career structure
Building a career structure: The functional structure is a symbol of new developments in the business environment, where a major revolution has taken place, particularly in terms of defining roles, responsibilities, levels of authority, responsibility, channels of communication, centralization and job integration. The functional structure is defined as " And it may appear on the basis of the chain of command and may be based on functions, it does not depart from the hierarchy and every position in the organization has a corresponding role of rights, duties, privileges and obligations that determine the conduct of the official who plays this role. A sample means consistent regularity of proportional relationships and is supposed to be developed to provide the right people. This is part of the job analysis and human resources management in place to comply with the institution's strategy to achieve the objectives of the institution. One engineering department, one warehouse department and one maintenance department. This system suffers from a lack of flexibility and poor relationship between different disciplines and the length of the hierarchy of the sense that the levels of management are many. The advantage of this system is that it is economical because we do not need more than a store and more than a workshop ... but everything is central. Each employee also benefits from the experience of his colleagues in the same specialization because they work in the same department or sector " Through the previous definitions we can say that the organizational structure is the basis of knowledge of the authority and the type of function in the organization, therefore characterized by the following: 1. Assist in the successful implementation of plans and achievement of objectives. 2. Facilitate the identification of the roles of individuals in the organization and determine who complies with the requirements of the organization and not vice versa. 3. Assist in decision-making and exercise of force. " It is also characterized by 1. Arrange people on the basis of common interests Therefore, they can learn a lot from each other. 2. Secondly, problem solving becomes easier in a functional organizational structure. Problem solving becomes easier in organizational and functional structure. Thirdly, skilled employees of the same group can find more skilled employees for the company. 3. Skilled employees of the same group can search for more skilled employees of the company. 4. Fourthly, control in functional structure is increased because people will try to supervise each other work. Increased control over the functional structure and supervision of all other works. 5. Develop teamwork " Where we can summarize and explain these features as follows: 1. Assist in the successful implementation of plans: It shows what happens within the organization in terms of centralization or only the central size of the organization and levels of authority and responsibility. 2. Determine the role and responsibility of each employee in the functional structure: according to the organizational position in the job structure. 3. Division of work and identification of requirements: for each task or function and collected in one section 4. Determine the job descriptions and qualifications of the incumbent. 5. Achieving the plans that the organization design effectively and successfully: This is because it clarifies the lines of authority and responsibility and where the implementation starts and who is responsible for it. Where we can explain what the organizational structure of the organization works through: 1. The distribution of work, responsibilities and authorities among individuals, where the structure shows the location of each position in the organization, who heads it and who falls under the authority of its authority. 2 - Determine the relationship and the scope of supervision, showing each person the level of authority for those who are less than the degree of the structure of the job. 3 - Assembling individuals in sections and sections in circles and departments in larger units and so on. 5. Design systems and means to ensure effective internal communication and participation of individuals decision-making, interaction with the public and the provision of good products. 6 - Provide the rules and means to assess the performance of employees by clarifying their duties.
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