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Important advices for maximum benefit from business meetings

In the description of the work meetings, it is said that it is the cemetery of good ideas. Let each of us contemplate how to spend his working hours - a third of his day - and the number of scheduled meetings to discuss and resolve important and unimportant matters. There is no dispute - in my personal opinion - about the importance of meetings and their contribution to advancing the work forward, and the convergence of individuals for a common goal; but the flaw lies in the way we coordinate, conduct and follow up meetings, so I will highlight what needs to be done in order to achieve an effective meeting. Meeting for a clear purpose First, the main objective of the meeting must be clearly defined, and ensure that all invitees agree. This is done by writing the agenda in a logical sequence of subjects, whether important, sequential or otherwise, and each subject is given sufficient time. Not all meetings require physical attendance The best way to meet is by telephone, via Skype, in person in the conference room, or through a fast-paced meeting, and the latter tends to do so because it does not require much prior coordination, and is speeded up by procedure and clarity of attendance. In general, the abbreviation is preferred at the time of the meeting, which can be completed in half an hour, only half an hour is booked, and so on.   You are one of hundreds of premium writers who share a unique content industry with their experiences and experience on ZN. More about the fifty-race essay   The timing of the meeting is linked to productivity After that, an appropriate date is set for the people to be present, and it should be early in the day when everyone is at the height of their activity, away from other work matters that may be of interest to some attendees, and to ensure that everyone is committed to the time limit. Preparation before the meeting Needless to say, all stakeholders must be involved in the invitation, and the agenda of the meeting should be sent to them before the meeting is sufficiently timed to make observations and make observations. It is also preferable to send any readable material to be presented or discussed before the meeting and to confirm the invitees to see it. The meeting is often to reach the point of view, and to reach a decision, not the place to reflect on the details of things and help the attendees to reach individual views individually. Manage business meetings Before meeting at the appointed time, it is advisable to check the attendance of all guests. It is very annoying to attend to repeat what was discussed for a person who is late to attend. The meeting coordinator presents the agenda on the screen to remind the audience and to alert them in case of delay. It is also appropriate to emphasize the need to pay attention to the meeting and not to be preoccupied with other things such as mobile, computer and other. It is very useful for meetings to designate a person as a meeting officer, to control time - to start and finish on schedule - and to adjust the handling of topics, to help focus the dialogue and not to branch out in what does not. In order to avoid having someone talk without others, the meeting officer gives everyone equal opportunities to participate and makes sure that no one interrupts another person. A reasonable time should be left at the end of the meeting to receive questions from the audience, if any, and to ensure that the points of interest are recorded and recorded. What follows the meeting? The meeting coordinator shall summarize and finalize the outcome of the meeting - the agreed points - during the meeting, identify the responsible personnel and the duration of implementation. After the end of the meeting, the draft of the minutes shall be sent to the audience for consultation and opinion before accreditation. Finally, it is important to be careful to follow up and activate what was agreed at the meeting so that the meeting will be productive.

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