Mistakes must be avoided at work5
1. How to introduce yourself to new customers or colleagues
Some people may only display the first name when meeting new colleagues or clients, but this is not true. It is best to mention your name with at least the second name or your name and family name, depending on the name you are famous for in this work so they can get full information About you.
2 - Provide excuses not to complete the work in the time allocated to him or a mistake
You must be fully committed to your work being ready in the allotted time and not to mention any excuses. If you oppose an already coercive condition, apologize for the work and inform the employer or responsible administrator quickly so as not to cause malfunction and disruption of work, Be very focused when doing the work and review it more than once to make sure it is free from mistakes.
3. Do not be permanently apologetic
When you make sure that you have made a mistake and apologize, make an apology immediately, but be careful not to fall into the trap of constant justification and unexplained apologies, because your apology and constant justification will give you the impression that you are weak and shaky and do not trust yourself.
4. Do not personalize the work topics
Always feel insulted and underestimated when subordinates modify them at work or change a decision they have taken to achieve the benefit of work, so be aware that the decisions that will be taken by the company or workplace will not be consistent with your desire always do not personalize the subject but give your boss The impression is that you are always interested in the public good but not in keeping with your desire.
5. Know well that the workplace is for work only
You must be committed to the workplace and respect it so that it is not a place to hang out with your colleagues, work lunch or talk on the phone. It is a place to work. Set good limits to deal with your colleagues in the workplace by being friendly and loving. Then you can hang out with them or stroll with them then away from the workplace as you like
In the end, we must always draw attention to the fact that you do not go to work to be loving and affectionate relationships but you go to work to be successful in your career so be sure to prove yourself at work to be eligible for promotions and access to important positions in your work
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