Increase productivity Henry Ford - the spiritual father of the T model of cars - can be considered the spiritual father of productivity. In fact, Ford invented the assembly line, which made it possible to assemble cars sequentially instead of assembling each one separately, which took more time. One year later, which took more time. One year after installing the serial assembly line in its factories, he discovered an astonishing 90 percent increase in vehicle assembly productivity. He saved a lot of money and made more cars, which enabled him to double wages, reduce daily hours from 10 hours to 8 hours, and significantly lower car prices. Since then, productivity has gone hand in hand with success, and it's easy to figure out why. Getting things done faster, for less, with the same quality or higher, allows people and companies to achieve overwhelming success in everything they do. Even beyond the business world, being a product is a skill that should be introduced into your daily life if you want to become successful. In fact, our lives are increasingly busy; every day we each work as an employee, a spouse, a father, a son, a daughter, a friend, a businessman and a client. Because of our increasing preoccupation, life management has largely been like managing a company. The more demands we have, the less time we have to become truly effective. Thus, being productive and effective during our time is the key to success in all aspects of our lives. Because increasing your personal productivity is not as easy as installing a conveyor or assembly machine, it is important that you develop habits that will put you in the lead. Use the principles in this chapter to increase your ability to accomplish things in as little time as possible. After applying each principle within your life, you will feel as if there are extra hours in your day, because you will learn how to make the most of your time. Principle # 34 Do it now. If you can accomplish the task in two minutes, do it now; waiting for it does not really prove the laziness beat the laziness inside you, take things easy immediately, reply to an email, hang your towel, pay the bill, answer a quick phone call . By moving small things out of your way, you save yourself more time for the most important business. Principle # 35 Work in a productive environment. "Productivity is not a coincidence, it is a product of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and concentration of effort," said Life Coach Paul J. Meyer. Do not ignore one of the major factors for your productivity - your environment. Create or create a climate you really want to spend time in. Decorate where you are, to inspire you not to distract. Get comfortable furniture, but it does encourage you to take a nap while you work, and play music that you can work on. Although your ability to change the place or people you work with may be limited, a pleasant work environment can help improve your mood, reduce your stress level, and enhance your ability to focus. Principle # 36 Create templates that can be reused. Avoid wasting time re-inventing something you've done before. For tasks that you do repeatedly, make templates that you can use frequently - for example, instead of writing each grocery list you need every week, make a checklist template that lets you simply tag next to what you need. Print several copies and hang them on the refrigerator so you can see your need in time instead of having to do a long inventory before you leave the store. Make samples of the most you can think of the sheets you use frequently, and use them to make your recurring tasks as effective as possible. Principle # 37 Select the times when your performance is at its peak. Each person has different days or hours that show productivity. In fact, recent research conducted by the site found that Tuesday between 10 am and noon is the most productive time for workers in the United States. Whether Tuesday morning is the day or not, see when your performance is at its peak so you can get the most out of peak productivity. Delay your work, which requires effort even when you know you will be very attentive. In this way you will be able to give it the focus and quality it deserves. Principle # 38 wake up early. Getting up early makes you want to get extra hours during the day. Even those who are not at peak performance in the morning can learn to wake up early. Start adjusting your wake-up time by half an hour before your normal wake-up until your body adapts to it. If your day starts with coffee or work, waking up at 6 am rather than 8 am will enable you to do more, and fewer than the provinces. Most successful people in the world wake up early. Principle # 39 Be sure to eat. The mind can not concentrate successfully if it is not fed. However, many of us forget to eat in the hustle and bustle of the day, or pick up improperly prepared meals to feed off their hunger. Give your mind the food you need by eating healthy meals regularly during the day. Studies show that protein-rich breakfast helps eliminate the risk of headaches early in the day, gives you energy, and helps you focus. A nutritious meal for your body (vegetables, lean protein and whole grains) will give you the energy you need to do your work during the day. Principle # 40 Keep yourself away from distractions It may be difficult to stabilize while there is fun and fun in the atmosphere. But, a person attributes