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Setting goals determines the course of your life

The book in the success literature considers that the process of setting goals is an important element in the process of change. Those who have the will and the will to change without setting specific and clear goals will often spend their effort indiscriminately and ineffectively and thus lose the impulse to change. The idea of ​​setting goals is based on the principle that things are created twice, first in our minds by forming a clear picture of what we want to reach, and what form our life will take after a year or five or ten years. And the second on the ground through hard work directed .. Just like the architect who is drawing a blueprint for the house he wants to build. This chart contains all the fine details of each corner of the house before hitting one nail. - Why should we set goals: I will mention a number of reasons why setting goals are of particular importance: First, goals if painted well will be the largest source of energy to stimulate the human. The goals push us to work, and make us continue the night by day work and diligence. Anthony Robbins said that a group of people asked him: "Why could not we get what we want?" He said to them: "You are not lazy but you have goals helpless) .. Let me repeat: "You are not lazy but you have helpless goals." Second, objectives are the best way to increase one's productivity and achievement. In a Yale University study in 1953, students were asked who had written future goals. The ratio was about three percent. The rest do not have clear goals. The researchers followed these students for twenty years and found - those who were able to reach them - that the completion of those three percent was equal to the achievement of the remaining 97 percent of the students. Thirdly, the goals clarify the vision, and show the person on the direction of the road that must be taken, and be a criterion to be controlled by each of us before undertaking any project. For example, if you are invited to a particular job, you will ask yourself: Does this work go along with my goals that I have drawn and thus will achieve what I aspire to, or will it occupy me without great benefit ?. Anthony Robbins likened who sets goals and who does not, with the child who plays the synthetic games. You know that the child here sees the big picture and takes the small pieces side by side according to the picture. A person who does not set goals for life like riding small pieces without seeing the original image. Imagine how difficult and impossible it is! Fourth, the objectives focus efforts and prevent dispersion. I met with young people who have a sincere desire and good mental abilities, but they are distracted and focused. Every time he reads here and there, he spends his effort in a job and then goes to another. Thus, life goes on without real achievement that elevates the level of the individual and the nation. I can be more like helping the targets to raise awareness and focus on someone who has bought a car of a certain type. Immediately this person will start to notice the cars that look like his new car .. He may be surprised by the large number of cars that resemble the type of his new car and that he did not notice it before. In the same way, whoever sets a goal will seize his attention and attention wherever he goes. If you remember our friend who is determined to become a reference in history .. This young man will seek attention to each activity related to history, such as a lecture or talk show more than anyone else, which will unite his effort in that path. - Objectives: Motivating goals have certain characteristics and features that I will review as follows: First, the motivational goals must be consistent with your priorities, and work to preserve and highlight your personal values ​​.. because this consensus gives you the strength and motivation to persevere in achieving change .. So when you work on building your goals you must ask yourself a very important question: What is What should be spent hours and days, and efforts are made for it? What are the things you give the greatest and most valuable in your life? What do you want exactly? What is the idea or work that you find yourself willing to do for its precious and cheap? When you have a vision of what is important and essential in your life (and this is what we call the ladder of values), and then begin to change in accordance with this importance, you know that you have breathed in this project a strong spirit will not extinguish. And even if its light fails, it will be easy to revive. And even the failure and obstacles in your way will make it easier for you to overcome or accept it. These priorities must be present in your mind all the time. Indeed, one of the cruel moments of man, which may pass on after a long period of work and effort is his sense that what I occupy himself was of little importance, and that he was stunned when he carried this work more important than possible. Second: You must have control over your goals and reach them in your hands and under your control .. "The goal that can only be achieved by the presence and contribution of others is security and not a goal." As if to say: I want to start a business when I find someone who saves me money. This objective is impractical and non-motivational. But to say that I will seek to find a financier for my business is a logical and acceptable goal. The difference is slight from the wording but it is intellectually large and real. Third, the goal must be easy to segment into small, measurable parts. Maintaining personal health and fitness, for example, is a great goal that can be split into a 20-minute walk every day, a diet and so on. "The goal that is difficult to define or measure progress is difficult to reach." Now is the time to write .. Prepare yourself .. Take a paper and pen .. Sit in a quiet place. Ask yourself this question: If you know you will never fail, what do you want to do or do in the future of your days? What is the ideal situation that you wish to be after five, ten or fifteen years? Start writing, and make your pen move for at least twenty minutes .. Write in all areas of your life from the side of the slaves to the family, professional, social and financial, etc. .. Draw the picture you want to be

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