Secrets of success and career excellence
Excellence in career work: Secrets of success. Tomorrow everyone will go to the field of his work, whether employee or employee, or student or student in any field or any specialty. 1. But how will it begin its new day and day? 2. Will he ascend to the ladder of success or sit down and choose the path of failure? 3. What do you plan on before you sleep and think about it? 4. Will he think about what he will wear and in what beautiful way he will appear to be admired by others? One of us may ask himself a good question why some people are more successful than others. Why, for example, two graduates of the same specialization worked in the same field of work and after five years found someone in some degrees of management in companies and the other is still a simple employee. Q: What is the motivation for success? One Chinese sage was asked one day by one of his disciples what was the motive? He asked him to go with him to a pool of water when he reached the head of Hakim and immersed in the water at the first moment thought he was shaking him and then tried to raise his head of water but Hakim insisted on putting his head in the water and then tried to resist the student with all the strength to survive his life He was able to raise his head from the water at first. The motive was not strong, but when he felt the danger to his life, he had the motivation to survive with his spirit so that he could lift his head from the water with all his might. ■ Secrets of success: ● The first secret of success in the field of work. Learn how to love and excel in your business: Be committed to being outstanding and impressive in your field. The tragedy is that a large number of sellers spend their lives selling, without being committed to being outstanding in their work, learning to love what you do and learning to master it. , You will not be satisfied with yourself, and accept that you are a worthy person, so that you can do what you do, which explains why a large segment of people do not feel happy and satisfied because they are not distinguished in anything. ● The second secret of success in the field of work. Follow the leaders and successful: Identify successful people in your field, then decide to be like them, follow the leaders, not the followers, follow who make the decisions, not those who implement them. If you want to be a successful man, look for the most successful man you know and go and ask him What he did to become what he was, what he had read, what training he had attended, what advice he had for you to succeed in this field. When you are pessimistic (people / friends) do not seek success, this alone will prevent you from succeeding. ● The third secret of success in the field of work. Be sincere and sincere in your work: We do not mean honesty and honesty with others, but with yourself, and with your goals. When you are late to work, leave it ahead of time, when you take a tea and coffee break and without reason, the first to betray is yourself, and then your goal in life, and your actual abilities that do not show, but buried in this lazy way. When you come to work early, when no one sees you, and when you are late to finish work after hours, when no one is watching you, you will feel happy and satisfied with yourself, because you are watching and watching yourself. ● The fourth secret of success in the field of work. Use your ingenuity and innate creativity: within each of us, innumerable abilities of creativity, waiting for those who are exposed, through training and education, on a daily basis. Always repeat this to yourself, I am a genius, for many times, each of us is capable of acting ingeniously in relation to something, it is clever to collect stamps, and this is in the sale, and in art, each of us can do one thing with genius and nobility. What prevents us from showing this innate genius is our conviction that we are humble ordinary, we do not have the talent, so why waste time trying, and you are in his hands to change this belief! Always look for newer, better, faster and win ways to do everything and solve every problem and dilemma. ● The fifth secret of success in the field of work. Treat each one as if it were worth millions of riyals: factor each client as if it were the most important on the back of this earth, and treat people as you love them to treat you. How do you rate yourself? Millions of riyals? If I ask you to sell me your heart, how you will sell it? This means that you are of immense value, indescribable, and so are all human beings, and therefore you must appreciate them. ● The sixth secret of success in the field of work. Work hard and you will succeed: hard work brings you success, if Tkazlt and Tkhalt, the first to betray is your self, and your inner look to yourself, and respect for yourself, because the way of laziness known end, and the way of hard work. Do you know how to fly a plane? The pilot takes the aircraft on the runway, and when he takes the permission to take off, he drives the engines to operate at full speed, speeds up the aircraft, lifts the front and then the entire fuselage, continues to fly at full speed until the proper altitude, and then reduces the speed of the engines to the speed that keeps it flying. You have to do the same thing in order to get off the ground, you have to rush with maximum force, but you can not continue in this position long, as your engines will burn, Vlbdk you right, and your family and your family. ● The seventh secret of success in the field of work. In your life, learn to live as long as you live: read and listen to audio lectures and attend conferences, courses, and exercises. The most important thing you have in this life is your mind and what you put in it so invest in it without interruption .. The more useful things we learn, the more our value, The big problem is that this vessel of science (meaning the mind) is defective because it has a small hole that causes continuous bleeding in the amount of information we put in it (a metaphor for natural forgetfulness), so we must not stop learning, . The ignorant in tomorrow is the one who stops learning, not the one who did not learn from the foundation, the latter is destined to extinction in the world of the future. Your new knowledge means increasing your returns and your value in the labor market. Learn something new every day, be a living being for learning. ■ Ten whispers in the ear of anyone looking for success in his field:
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