Reports, adjustments and record keeping Provide reporting, reconciliation, and record keeping to meet the following requirements: Access to necessary reports and data required to meet organizational, administrative and financial needs. Issue multiple reports that exceeds pecified time periods. Issuing all necessary disclosures and reports to recognize wage expenses and authorize related expenses. Issuing management reports used by HR staff and salaries, as well as reports used by others as supervisors. The purpose of the settlement is to compare and reconcile data between systems. Provide employees and managers with automatic access to their data, where employees can access their personal data and managers can access non-personal organization data through the web application. Reporting compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. For example, the system issues income tax and social security reports in accordance with state laws. Maintain the following information in accordance with regulatory laws: The payroll archive shows total salaries, deductions, and net salaries for each payment period. Show time and attendance archive Working hours, overtime hours, and hours cut off from each payment period. Exemption file showing initial balances, entitlement to departures, departure rules and final balances for each period. Grant the possibility of issuing routine human resources and payroll reports that have been identified by users. It also gives the system the ability to design reports to display data in a specific format. Issuing detailed data on the salary of the employee forming the gross salary by showing the employee allowances, deductions and net wages for the period and year of payment of salaries up to the current date. Issue administrative reports to facilitate the control of delegation of human resources costs and personnel procedures. Issuing all reports and disclosures necessary to deal with wage expenses, establishing related dues, and disbursing all related amounts. The system also issues detailed supporting records or sub-records of the issued statements. Provides automatic data conversion and data conversion required for other systems electronically by providing the ability to define external links along with any desirable formatting and data generation using a specific link. Providing external reports that meet legal and regulatory requirements as well as administrative reporting requirements. Compliance with all laws, regulations and directives applicable to hardware, software and telecommunications. Link exchange data with wage data to ensure that all expenses authorized by the Wage Licensing Officer have been fully and accurately disbursed. Adjustment of human resources data to ensure that all employees are on the salary scale equally and that all profits, benefits and benefits have been calculated as authorized and recognized in the human resources system. Availability of health insurance enrollment data through specific reports, where payroll records and insurance records can be verified. Derivation of the summary of the total profit, deductions and contributions for the objectives of control and control. Enable conversions with the next payroll for retired employees or employees. Issuing payment and benefit reports required by the Company's Articles of Association. Notify employees of HR and pay salaries with erroneous and lost data when the payroll calculation process is completed. Store audit data that allows you to track user transactions over a specified period of time. Provision of necessary reports for unutilized health cuts.