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Kuching is a relatively modern field with many definitions, most of which revolve around the same content. It is worth mentioning that there is not (until the moment of writing this article) an Arabic translation of the true meaning of ..

Optimism and hope

Optimism and hope

- In life, signs and messages in the universe are clear. If you meditate on them, hope and optimism will be found. The sun rises every day after sunset, the pleasant air blowing through the universe morning and evening, the ..

time management

time management

The Importance of Time Management The most important thing in time management is to: • Define the goal from the very first moment. Consider the wonderful results that you will gain if you think correctly in managing your time and ..



Learning is now a necessity of life, which is indispensable. As we know, the responsibility of education lies with the teacher who explains the material to his students. Many may think that the educational activity is an easy activity and ..

the love

the love

Love is a mutual chemistry between two secreted by the human body. The body secrete the hormone oxytocin known as the "hormone of lovers" and this hormone is sorted during the meeting between the lovers without feeling ...Love is a ..

The difference between data, information and knowledge

The difference between data, information and knowledge

Data is a set of elements or values that do not give a clear meaning because they are untreated, arranged, or organized in a way that helps to understand them. Information is the processed data that a person can understand because ..

Reading and knowing the necessity

Reading and knowing the necessity

Reading and knowledge of necessityReading - without others - is what makes me feel that I have more than one life, because it increases my life sweetness and I am struck by it in the depth of knowledge, you will ..

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