Stages of training evaluation Evaluation before training is usually done by approving the results of the evaluation of the programs that have been implemented previously, in addition to the survey and management of the trainees and pre-trainers. This is in addition ..
More'ahamiyat aldawrat altadribia'aya majal yahtaj 'iilaa altatawur walirubima yahtaj 'iilaa tawal hayatik 'iilaa altaelim waltadribi, ldhlk aljamieat qad tuafir lak alfursat bialtukhasus fi majal mueayan walakunin fi alhaqiqat aljamieat la tueti almaerifat alwasieat fi 'amr muhadidin, li'ana aljamieat wall'asaf hadafaha ..
Morealdawrat altadribiat hi kalimat alsiri liltaelum w alairtiqa' fi alsilm alwazifi. famae 'iintiha' marhalat altaelim aljamieii fi alfard albahth ean alwazifati.'iinjalish 'artaykls 'uwf dhi rikuruds.wfy bed al'ahyan yatakafal 'akunat 'uwf dhi swbyrfysur.'iinjlish 'artikil almatn rikrytmint 'uwf dhi salis 'and samart.w ..
MoreDefinition of administrative development and its objectives"Administrative development or management development is a" systematic and ongoing process, through which current managers of the organization or future managers are provided with the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary to successfully lead and ..
MoreIslam has a keen interest in reason and thinking, and whenever we look at the Holy Quran, we find that it contains many references that relate to thought, God Almighty says (if we put this Quran on a mountain to ..
MoreBusiness Administration is an American science that grew up in the late 19th century; most of its class, research, schools and applications originated in the United States of America. Its development was carried out by American originists. It is said ..
MorePolitical conditions: lack of monopolization of power and democratization.Population conditions: optimal utilization of human resourcesHousing conditions: high living standards and not necessarily low population density is the best example of China is achieving the greatest human development and population density ..