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Modern administrative concepts and their reflection On the skills of the future manager

Modern administrative concepts and their reflection On the skills of the future manager

No: contemporary administrative concepts These contemporary administrative concepts are intellectual and practical, as follows: 1. Organizational flexibility: It is the ability of the organization to respond to various environmental changes and developments, both internal and external, including the speed of ..

concepts to improve your career planning and professional development  5

concepts to improve your career planning and professional development 5

1. Make the obstacles in your favor Obstacles to the road can prevent outsiders from penetrating some professions easily. The revenue shrinks and it becomes difficult to distinguish itself from the general public. For example, not everyone who can or ..

How can you identify your goals

How can you identify your goals

Secondary goals Secondary goals problem you do not have awareness of them, contrary to your goals If you plan to you know, But fortunately there is a way to extract the secondary goals from within us, there is a fine ..

Human Resources in Modern Administrative Thought

Human Resources in Modern Administrative Thought

Human Resources in Modern Administrative Thought The contemporary administration's interest in human resources issues reflects an attempt to strike a balance between the objectives of the organization and the objectives of individuals, and between the cost and the return in ..

Modern concepts in human resources management

Modern concepts in human resources management

Modern concepts in human resources managementThe human resources represented by the staff of the organization of different categories, levels and disciplines are the real foundation on which the modern organization is based.Due to the great importance of human resources and ..

Administrative field

Administrative field

Administrative field  The administrative field does not depart from the most influential human development areas in the society, which is concerned with organizing the administrative affairs that regulate the functioning of the system of work through relying on the latest ..

\'anwae altafkir

\'anwae altafkir

3900 muhtawayat 1 ma hi 'anwae altafakir? altafkir al'iibdaeiu 'ay yabhath daymana ean altamayuz walaikhtilaf beydana ean al'asalib altaqlidiat. hayth yaqum altafkir al'iibdaeiu ealaa dirasat jmye aljawanib alkhafiati. 'ahamiyat al'iijra' al'iibdaeii lhdha alnawe min 'anwae almunasabat altafkir altaqlidiu hadha alnawe yuead hqana min 'absat 'anwae altafkir alty la ..

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